
Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

It is Christmas eve in Colorado Springs, but there is no snow on the ground. This morning as I was wrapping the last two presents I was remembering my last Christmas in Michigan. Midnight on Christmas eve it started to snow and by Christmas morning there was at least a foot on the ground. It was beautiful, untouched by plows and cars in the silence of the crisp morning. While, that Christmas was a Bing Crosby dream come true, it was spent alone. Though I sat in a cozy house amidst a beautiful scene, it was a very difficult day.

What a contrast to today as I sit in this house surrounded by family and friends. While there is no snow on the ground, it doesn't matter. Christmas isn't about snow or decorations or presents. It is about the love of God. The love He bestowed upon us by sending His only Son. It is about His love that fills us and we share with others. So, as you gather with your family and friends this holiday weekend remember those in your life that might be alone or do not know God's love this Christmas. Share the glorious, eternal gift you have received.

I wish you and your family have a blessed and wonderful Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to you! There is no snow here in Michigan this year. my parents grass is green! :(
