
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lindsay Martin

You know that girl next door that is always smiling and willing to lend a helping hand? Let me introduce you to her. Her name is Lindsay Martin and she happens to be my amazing roommate! I can hear your protests of my bias arising, but I am not biased I just get to see the proof from behind the scenes that she is the real deal. She is the girl that serves in the Junior High ministry at church. Who on her weekends off could be out living the adventurous life of a single 20s something, but is at the coffee shop writing bible studies and planning retreats for the ministry. She is the encourager who is always there to help her family and friends. She is the wonderful girl who is going on a short term mission trip next month.

So Lindsay, tell me about your trip:
I am going with a team from Rocky Mountain Calvary from March 7th-18th to Gulu, Uganda, East Africa.

Wow, Uganda! That is a pretty awesome country! (This is where my bias is applicable) Why Uganda?
I have always had a heart for Africa. It started when my family adopted my African American sister. It has shown me how God created us differently and I wanted to get to know the different cultures than what we have. In high school I went to Mexico three times, but this is my first trip overseas.

What will you be doing while you are there?
We will mostly be working with the women in the city of Gulu and surrounding villages. We will be holding bible studies and having fellowship time. On Sunday our team will be sending groups to various village churches to host vacation bible school.

Are you scared or worried about anything?
There are definitely areas that God is helping me to work through. I am not a fan of flying, the longest flight I have ever been on was for three hours. I am worried about being able to interact with the people. They have seen and experienced things I could never imagine. I will be learning more from them than them from me.

Anything Else? Worried about the hippos? You know they are the deadliest animal in Africa!
Haha, no. I do have a little fear about losing my passport. Oh and mosquitoes! I do not want to get malaria

What about the spiritual warfare?
I am actually kind of excited for that. It shows the enemy is scared for us, that we are a target. I wouldn’t say I am not afraid, just excited to see how God is going to move through it.

How have the preparations been going?
Pretty good, trying to stay on top of everything. I have one shot left, yellow fever. I have already had two shots so far. Also, our team trainings have started. I need to begin shopping for clothing and supplies. I am working on preparing my heart through prayer that God would continue to break my heart and build a further burden for the people. Also, that I would be flexible for the dynamics and logistics of the trip. I have been watching movies and reading up on history, people and culture.

What do you have left to do?
More prayer! Oh, and shopping, shots, packing, mosquito warfare items, additional trainings with team, getting ahead on things at work…. A lot of last minute things.

Do you have any specific prayer requests?
That I would trust in the Lord in many aspects of the trip – support money, travel (flying), health (current coniditions and worries about things when there), comfort for family while I am gone (especially parents), and unity for team.

Wow! Well, thank  you for sharing Lindsay.

Isn't she great? As Lindsay prepares for her trip, will you join me in supporting her?

Let’s pray!! There is a lot that goes into planning, preparing and traveling overseas. When you add in the factor that it is work for the Lord, the enemy arises in ways unimaginable. Pray for Lindsay and the entire team from RMC.

If you would like to donate to the Uganda trip you can:

Send Checks to:        -OR-        Visit:
Rocky Mountain Calvary
4285 N Academy Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
(Please include a note that it is for Lindsay Martin)

Support is due by Sunday February 19th
Her remaining balance needed is $670
(Lindsay with her younger sister Courtney)
I know...I know... It has been a long time since I have blogged but I have something in the works! It is not quite ready, but I am just too excited to sit and wait!

Stay Tuned!!