
Monday, October 26, 2009

Prayer Cards

I was helping a friend finish moving yestarday and as I packed up some things I discovered two prayer cards. Each card had a student's name from New Hope's P7 class. Before I left in August I had offered the cards to friends so they could pray for the students as we worked and traveled with them. The interesting part of yestarday's discovery were the names on the cards. Their faces flashed to my mind as I held the cards and stared at my friend. She had been praying for these girls completely unaware of anything in their lives beyond their names. I could not help smiling at God's handiwork as I shared the connection between them.

Each girl is a beautiful child of God that has been hurt. Yet, they have responded to that pain in different ways. While one is shy and insecure of almost every aspect around her, the other is bold and misguided in her strive for love and attention. In a strikingly familiar scenario I witnessed her alienate and mock the shy one. I was struck by the hurt and pain unfolding before me, but also by the situation itself. It reminded me of my own childhood and that of the girls I have worked with in youth group over the years. Even on a different continent, in a different culture kids go through the same troubles.

I love that God put those two names together for Jen to pray for. I am glad I could share a bit of insight for direction for her to pray for them. I am grateful for the Lord's call as I head back to Uganda and see these girls again.

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