
Monday, May 2, 2011

Turning 30

What I have learned since turning 30:
  1. Apprarently there is a bollywood movie about it, but not sure I would recommend it.
  2. Gray hair starts growing faster and more abundantly the minute you turn 30. So not fun...
  3. The fear of not being where you thought you would be can overtake your existence.
  4. The realization that God is in control = freeing!
  5. There is this weird state of being told you are old while others balk "you're still young".
  6. You secretly relish "being old".
  7. The importance of insurance, pension, investments, etc take on a new meaning.
  8. Making pseudo bucket lists can be fun yet startling at the same time
  9. I worry less what people think of me.
  10. I worry more about my relationships with the people close to me.
  11. God is the only way I can live, manage, cope, grow, and so much more!
  12. Being in bed before 9pm is pretty wonderful.
  13. Apparently green vegtables will not kill you and can be fun to cook with.
  14. Donald Trump persuaded bankers to lend him $80 million when he was 30 so he could buy the Commodore Hotel - makes my student loans seem so reasonable.
  15. I check off a different box when filling out forms [30-39]. Yipes!
  16. People keep telling me your 30's are awesome - I guess we are suppose to learn from the mistakes of our 20's.
  17. I cringe at the realization and long list of mistakes in my 20's.
  18. I am not offended to be called "ma'am".
  19. Moisturizing is a staple.
  20. Mr. Batchelor was right in high school. I would use the math someday.
  21. Being negative is a choice.
  22. Coupons really do work.
  23. Pizza at 2am isn't as fun anymore.
  24. Laughing with friends at 2am still is!
  25. You don't have to wait until you are married to own a KitchenAid mixer.
  26. Everyone is not looking at me, they are worrying abou themselves.
  27. The oldies and classic rock radio stations play songs from my childhood. And I’m okay with that.
  28. I do not like store bought cakes.
  29. I love mediterranean food, and mexican, and italian, and thai, and hawaiin - oh the delicous goodness.
  30. I now have 10 years to work on my next list!

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Cousin's Challenge

         It never ceases to amaze me how a simple act can throw one's heart into a dervish. Yet, I am learning the real affect comes from one's reaction. This happened to me today, as my heart went into a whirlwind and the rest of me spun away after it, I crashed. It landed me on my knees pouring my heart out to the Lord ... yet again. Through tears and prayers I felt hopeless and out of control. In times before this, two scenarios would commonly take place, RUN or WALLOW. Or on a rare occasion both. And chocolate would probably be involved. However, today the Lord pushed my heart to pursue. Pursue Him, pursue relationship, pursue accountability. Instead of holding in I reached out and it helped. Through His word and the words of friends I came out of the storm seeing His faithfulness. I tell you this not our of boasting of myself but as a testimony of His amazing love and faithfulness. The challenge He has given my heart is a the simple pursuit of Him. The bonus package is the gifts that come with it ... relationship, hope, love, and so much more.

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding with guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:6-7

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!
(from frozen Colorado)

May the Lord bless and keep you in 2011.