There has been a story from Uganda that I have wanted to share for some months. I could tell tales of bugs, snakes and spiders - oh my! But something really special occurred that I was reminded of today:
We had a day where we to spend some time reflecting on what we were where afraid of. As we ventured out to find places to be alone, I ended up at the edge of the compound, next to the fields, and below the trees. It was raining a bit and I thought the trees would add a bit of protection in addition to the umbrella I held as I sat and prayed. As I came before the Lord, asking Him to reveal to me what I was afraid of the drops continued to drip on my umbrella, then came the odd noise. It sounded like a branch breaking but as I looked up I saw nothing in the tree, maybe it was a small branch from an animal or something. I turned my focus back to praying, but something did not seem right. I repeatedly, kept looking back at the tree and saw nothing. Finally, I stood and moved to the side for a different perspective and then I saw it. Directly above where I had been sitting a rather large branch had snapped off from the trunk and was hanging by just a few fibers. If it had failed directly on me I would have been severely injured.

Stunned, I moved away from the tree and sat back down. I had been sitting there trying to focus on what I was scared of, completely lost in perspective. Yet, in the midst of that this branch starts to fall off and the reality is that God held it in place. I mean there was just a few strands of tree holding this thing together. Even after it happened it took me getting up out of "my spot" and changing my view to see what was going on. Then it hit me, the real problem in all of it was that I was not and had not been trusting God. Yet, here He was continuing to protect me. He had been there all of my life guiding and protecting, but I was so focused on "me" that I was not seeing it. My fear was based on past experiences of man, but God had never let me down. I was trying to hold him responsible for the sins of others. However, He was holding me safe.
I was reminded of this incident and revelation today as I sat and prayed, questioning God's will and plan in my life. Thankfully, He spoke peace into my heart and then later I was encouraged by the story of Mary. Here was a young woman who had dreams and desires of her own accord, yet the Lord came and gave her a calling. Her response is amazing, in that she willingly and easily submitted to His word. Her faith outweighed her fears. Could I be that strong? I know that I am not called to be the mother of Jesus, but I do know He has a plan for me. Now how I respond will be the test. How will the scales land, hopefully fear will fall to the peace and assurance of Christ!